Wednesday, December 3, 2008

A little progress, already!

I went on the hunt for patterns that were available for commercial use, specifically, as the result of a conversation on Ravelry, where someone mentioned that Lion Brand does allow individuals to sell FOs based on their patterns. Considering that the site has tons of free ones, this was a good start, but I wanted to see if other companies allowed the same thing.

I browsed a few sites and, when I didn't find this information listed, simply used the Contact Us pages for their intended purpose. So far I've heard back from Classic Elite and Brown Sheep; CE doesn't allow commercial use wholesale (so to speak), but I'd have to request permission from the pattern's authors. Brown Sheep does allow commercial use.

So, I'm gathering patterns, or at least references to patterns, in my Ravelry queue.

I might get this stuff together by March after all.

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